History Of The Javanese Gamelan

History of the Javanese Gamelan and Origin – one of Indonesia's cultural richness which is famous in the field of art music is gamelan. Many Gamelan is found in various regions of Indonesia. There are gamelan music of Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok. Of course, variants of the instruments used are different. Neither the name nor the forms. Gamelan in Java, called by the term gong. Especially, since the 18th century. Javanese Gamelan comes from Javanese, gamel, meaning the instrument is struck and were beaten. Made of wood and metal, a bronze mixed copper or Tin and rejasa. Musical instrument accompaniment of gamelan instruments consist of the bonang panerus, kendang,, gender, gambang, siter, flute, clempung, slenthem, demung, saron, kenong, kethuk, kempyang, japan, kempul, peking, and


The Origin Of The Javanese Gamelan

Originally, music instruments of gamelan instruments made under relief panels in Borobudur Temple in the 8th century. In the temple's relief, there are a few musical instrument consisting of a bamboo flute, percussion, harp, string playing and learned, as well as a Bell.

Since then, the instrument was used as a musical instrument in the gamelan music of Java. The instrument contained in Borobudur is used to play the gamelan. On the cultural influence of Hindu-Buddhist Majapahit Kingdom flourished in, Javanese gamelan music was introduced in the Kingdom of Majapahit.

Allegedly, according to the Javanese gamelan, the trust itself was created by Sang Hyang Guru Saka Era, as the God who once ruled the whole Java island. The deity is creating gambus gong, used to summon the gods.

In Javanese gamelan music of Java's own area called karawitan. Karawitan is a term used to name the subtle strains of gamelan music. The art of karawitan using gamelan instruments in dance and art of Java, distinctive voice that is as follows.
  • 1. art of noise consists of sinden, carry, gerong, sendon, and celuk.
  • 2. puppet consists of wayang kulit, wayang golek, wayang gedog, wayang klithik, wayang   beber, torches, and puppet puppet revelation.
  • 3. the art of dance consist of dance, bedayan, srimpi golek, wireng, and pethilan dance.
The art of Javanese gamelan is not only played to accompany sound art, dance, puppet shows and attractions. The official event was held at the Royal Palace, was used as a counterpoint to the strains of gamelan music. Especially, if there is a member of the Royal wedding traditions and customs of Java. Javanese gamelan music uses even when holding a wedding reception.

Title : History Of The Javanese Gamelan
Description : History of the Javanese Gamelan and Origin – one of Indonesia's cultural richness which is famous in the field of art music is ga...
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