The traditional musical instrument called Gamelan comes from Javanese culture, which is now still preserved among the palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo)


1. the development of the art of Karawitan

Javanese Gamelan is a set of instruments as a musical statement that is often referred to by the term karawitan. Karawitan is derived from Javanese Cayenne meaning complicated, convoluted, but the Cayenne also means smooth, beautiful, sinuous and tasty. The word Java karawitan particularly used to refer to gamelan music, the music of Indonesia which has a tinge of non-diatonic melodies (in the barrel of the slendro and pelog) which was partially-garapannya use notation system, sound, rhythm, color has a function, and work on the pathet shape cereal mixture, instrumentalia vokalia and beautiful are heard.

The art of Javanese gamelan contains historical values and philosophical to the people of Indonesia. It says such as Javanese gamelan is one of the art and culture inherited by predecessors and until now is still widely popular and intense. As a hypothetical, Bachelor J.L.A. Brandes (1889) States that prior to the influence of the Javanese Hindu had known ten skills, including wayang and gamelan. According to its history, the Javanese gamelan also has a long history. As with any art or culture of another, the Javanese gamelan in its development also experienced changes. Changes occur on how to pembuatanya, while its development concerning its quality. Formerly the possession of Javanese gamelan ageng is limited to the Court. Now, anyone interested can have it all rather than gamelan Javanese-gamelan is included in the category of inheritance (Embossed Haryono, 2001).

A complete Gamelan has approximately 72 tools and can be played by the niyaga (musicians) and accompanied by 10 – 15 pesinden and or the gerong. The order mainly consists of tools at tetabuhan or made of metal. Other tools include kendang, rebab (string instruments), the gambang is a type of taskbar with xylophon them from wood, and wire-stringed instruments that are plucked named siter or celepung.

Javanese Gamelan has a tremendous response in the international world. While this has been widely held Art Festival of gamelan in many European countries and had a very good response from the community there. Even schools outside the country that incorporate the art of gamelan music as one of the options to be studied by the pelajarnya also not the least bit. But ironically in our own country there are still many people who doubt the future of the gamelan. Especially the youth who tend to be more interested in the outside music that have sophisticated instruments. From here it takes an effort to attract people's interest in the traditional arts, which became the nation's cultural heritage.

2. the social function of the Javanese Gamelan

Philosophically Javanese gamelan is a part and parcel of the life of Javanese. So due to the philosophy of life of Javanese people related to art culture in the form of Javanese gamelan as well as closely connected with the development of the religion adhered.

In Javanese gamelan has aesthetic functions related to social values, moral and spiritual. Gamelan has its own greatness, the proof that the world has recognized the gamelan is a musical instrument that can compensate for the traditional Eastern musical instruments Department of the West. Gamelan is a musical instrument which is flexible, because it can serve also for education.

3. inheritance of Javanese Gamelan to the younger generation

At present there is a tendency of the difference of perception conducted by young generations through a variety of cultural attractions in another facet facet look rather prominent, but in terms of another is a setback, especially concerning motion-motion dance and penyuguhan gendhing-gendhing issued.

Young children seem not interested in gamelan because nothing is introduced. In addition no one teaches. It's not to blame because the majority of parents, school environment, does not even support the child knows the gamelan. For the younger generation, gamelan hard sought after if is emitted as the first in the era of their parents or their grandparents. Young people now prefer if their liking and gamelan sound paired with musical instruments and art whatever. However, through the ways this gamelan got way to sustainably. Gamelan is not just traditional musical instruments or objects, but there is a spirit in it, i.e. the togetherness. The important point here is human, which is how they feel close to the gamelan.

Need to be considered also for the sustainability of our own culture that is truly Sublime Adhi, filled with aesthetics, harmony, teachings, philosophies, tatakrama, civic, tolerance, establishment of human-human noble minded individuals, not loose as the driving factor insan in worship to God, by means of hard work and good itikat memetri or keep its own arts and culture. Not until there is a gap or the gap with elders who really qualified (expert). Even the communication needs to be maintained as well as possible with the elders as a source or a warehouse still holds a variety of science related to the issue of culture itself, especially the masters-masters of musicians, dance etc.

Description : The traditional musical instrument called Gamelan comes from Javanese culture, which is now still preserved among the palaces of Yogy...
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