Judgments about beauty blangkon

Judgments about beauty blangkon, aside from the fulfillment of the existing standard also depend on the extent to which a person would understand the standard flavors as well as provisions that have become social standards. The existing standard which applies to the blangkon, turns out not just to be kept by the original poster, but also by its users.


As expressed by Becker as follows: By accepting beauty as a criterion, participants in craft activities on a concern of the last American folk definition of art. That definition includes an emphasis on beauty as typified in the tradition of some particular art, on the traditions and concerns of the art world itself as the source of value, an expression of someones thoughts and feelings, and on the relative freedom of artist from outside interference with the work.

Blangkon principally woven headband square-shaped wooden or four squares. Its size is roughly as wide as 105 cm x 105 cm. Half actually just used the cloth. Blangkon size is taken from the distance between the latitudes of the right and left ears through the forehead and through the top. In General most small numbered 48 and 59 most great.

A Blangkon is composed of several types including: Using a mandolin, i.e. a bulge on the back of the blangkon shaped like Onde-onde. A Blangkon is referred to as blangkon Yogyakarta style. This bulge marks the haircut guy time that often ties their long hair on the back of the head, so that section protruded in the back of the blangkon. Coils of hair that should be toned so not easy to lose.

Traps Model, called the style of Surakarta. This style is a modification of the Yogyakarta style that arises because most men are now short-haired. Traps Model is made by way of direct mondholan to sew on the back of the blangkon. Aside from the Javanese (mostly from Central Java province, Yogyakarta and East Java), there are some tribes lain DI Indonesia wearing iket head similar to the Javanese blangkon namely: Sundanese (mostly from West Java province and Banten), Madurese, Balinese, and others. It's just that with the existing standard and different forms of connective.

Title : Judgments about beauty blangkon
Description : Judgments about beauty blangkon, aside from the fulfillment of the existing standard also depend on the extent to which a person would ...
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